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My Dry (Winter) Skin Routine

Okay, this weather is no joke. It seems like every morning when I turn on the news Al Roker is saying "well there's another winter storm spanning from Texas to Maine putting 20958732 people under a winter weather threat!" In NYC we feel the wind whipping around different buildings when we're outside and no control over our heaters while we're inside--sometimes its 45 degrees inside and sometimes it's 90.

My skin hates it.

It's flaky and crackly and seems that just makes the beginnings of wrinkles (eekkkkkk) on my forehead even more apparent. Lucky for you, in the past few weeks, I have finally figured out how combat the ups and downs in the weather and the dry dry air!

I have recently learned that even though staying in the hot shower for a looooooong time feels great, it's actually pretty horrible for your skin. So I've been cutting my showers a bit shorter in the name of self-skin preservation. Next, moisturizers work better if your skin is still a little bit wet, because they trap the moisture inside your skin. When I hop out of the shower, I have become ADDICTED to this Body Oil. The oil sinks in to my skin--it isn't greasy at all.

Most days, I don't wear make up at all and on those days I still use my faithful charcoal bar in the shower. If I have worn make up, I use this Cleansing Balm to take it off. It's too rich for my skin in the Spring and Summer months, but it is SO helpful for my dry skin when it starts to get cold. I wet my face a bit, and apply a dime-sized amount to my hands, then rub it all over my face. It is great at taking off make up, even eye makeup, and leaves your skin nourished and moisturized!

For toner, I use these Toner Pads, in the evening only. Since using them, I have noticed my pores are less noticeable, especially on my chin!

Next, I apply the Countermatch Serum. It has two kinds of hyaluronic acid (a naturally occurring humectant in your body that binds to existing moisture and hangs on to it). Because this Serum has two different kinds in it, it leaves your skin plum and super moisturized. This has been the biggest game changer for me. I use it morning and night.

After the Serum, in the morning I use the Countermatch Day Cream (I use 1-3 pumps depending on what my skin needs at the time). In the evening I use the Countermatch Night Cream (I usually only need one pump). For my eye cream I use the Countermatch Eye Cream (I told you I'm OBSESSED with this line).

Bonus: If I feel like I need it, I use a few drops of the Number 1 Brightening Oil. This has the same effect as the body oil, and smells like beautiful fresh oranges, so it's like taking a spa break from the Winter. Once a week, I use my trusty Charcoal Mask. The salicylic acid present here could really help soothe irritated skin. I'd apple Serum, Oil and then Moisturizer after the mask.

If you need help customizing a skincare routine for yourself, email me at I love my Beautycounter products--they have transformed my skin and I am confident that they can transform your skin too.


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