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What Should I Eat When Anna's Out of Town?

It's a question I get a lot..."What do your clients do when you go away for a week?"

Welp, the answer is fend for themselves I guess. If you order meals from me, I hope you know that I am 100% committed to your health and success. I pour a lot of love in to each and every meal that I make--in fact I'm convinced that all the "Vitamin L" makes everything taste a lot better. But, I have to take care of my own family sometimes, and nourish myself, so I can do better for you.

Meal prepping can be stressful, trust me, I get it. I started cooking for other people to try and take the stress out of eating healthy for my close friends and family. I wanted to offer you all some ideas about how to stay on track during the next few weeks. Cooking and meal prepping on your own and knowing how to make healthy choices is extremely important to finding a sustainable transformation in your lifestyle. So while I do get a tremendous amount of joy from preparing food for you, I want you to learn how to eat just in case I can't be there for you. I've put together some of my favorite ideas to help you make healthy choices while I'm away.

Breakfast-Try this Egg and Chorizo Frittata. Packed with the right amount of protein and healthy fats, don't forget to include a side of veggies or fruit to get enough carbs.

Lunch- Try this Cottage Pie with Sweet Potato or Mashed Cauliflower Topping. (Cottage Pie means beef...Shepherd's Pie means Lamb). It is a super simple recipe for meal prep. Make it once and eat it all week!

Dinner- Make one Roast Chicken and Vegetables on Sunday night, and you'll eat for a few days. Turn it in to Chicken Salad, Tacos, or just eat it cold standing over the sink. (Just me?)

For Snacks- try hard-boiled eggs, clementines, deli turkey, guacamole with plantain chips, Epic Bars, or an apple with almond butter.


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