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Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowl

OH MY GOD I AM SO SICK OF EGGS. I don't think I can ever eat them again. I mean, kidding, I love eggs, but we're on a break. WE WERE ON A BREAK. Sometimes when I am doing a Whole30, I get really sick of eggs every morning. Previously, I have switched to eating what are normally considered lunch and dinner meals for breakfast when this happens. Sometimes, though, I just want a big bowl of oatmeal. Oats don't have any negative effects for me, but I do believe in eating vegetables at every opportunity.

Enter, the Sweet Potato Bowl. The other day, I was steaming and then pureeing a sweet potato for a very small (read: baby) client of mine. All of the sudden, I started thinking about how good mashed sweet potato would be. While little Alexandra needs her sweet potato unadulterated, I am an adult and like many flavors together. I added in a little homemade cashew butter and a little coconut milk to make it puree. I also added a date to enhance the natural sweetness a bit. Because I'm a freak about both my protein and my collagen intake, I added some Vital Proteins collagen and it mixed super easily into the mix.

Top it with anything you have on hand. Coconut flakes, berries, granola, nuts, cocoa nibs, more nut butter...the Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowl is your oyster.

What You'll Need (to make 2 bowls):

  • 2 small sweet potatoes, cut in to chunks and steamed

  • 2 TBSP your favorite nut butter

  • 2 TBSP coconut or almond milk

  • 4 scoops Vital Proteins

  • 1 Mejdool Date

What I did:

  1. Steam the potatoes until a fork presses in easily. I like to steam my date too so it blends in more easily.

  2. Add your potatoes, date, nut butter, milk, and collagen to a food processor or blender.

  3. Puree until smooth, then top with your favorites!


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