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Weekends and Dining Out on Whole30

Happy Saturday, everyone! I don’t know about you but we are certainly feeling the long weekend vibes over here. And yet, even though it’s Saturday and you’re ready for the weekend, you might be feeling some apprehension, too. Don’t worry, we get it. Facing the weekend on Whole30 can feel daunting, especially in the first few weeks. With that being said, we have a few tried and true tricks we use to navigate the weekend on Whole30. These tools will ensure that you enjoy every moment from Friday night to Sunday brunch – without putting a cramp in your social life, we promise!

Prepare Ahead of Time:

We prepare for dining out the same way we do for a lesson: we internalize, we read carefully, and we strategize. On Whole30, you have a ton of delicious options available to you – so internalize these options, carefully read the menu of the restaurant you’ll be going to, and strategize what you’ll order. As you continue to break your old habits and build new ones, this preparation will help you avoid slipping up or feeding the sugar monster.

Be Friendly AND Forthcoming:

As the child of a Jewish father and a Catholic mother, guilt runs in my DNA and I HATE to be an inconvenience to anyone. That being said, servers and restaurant staff are there to serve you. Greet them with a smile and frontload your dietary needs by saying, “I’m gluten and dairy free, what are my best options?” When you share your needs early on, it opens you up to hearing their opinions, and also gives your server the chance to check in with the kitchen about any questionable ingredients. Why throw away your progress because you’re worried about bothering someone? You’re paying for this meal and you deserve to get the food that’s going to make you more healthy.

Treat Yoself:

One of the most important parts of Whole30 is enjoying delicious, wholesome food that feeds your belly and your soul. So, treat yoself! The $15 you would have dropped on a vodka soda? Spend it on the heirloom tomato salad. The $9 for the mediocre chocolate cake? Use that to upgrade from chicken to filet mignon. Stop thinking about what you can’t have and think about all of the incredible, nourishing things you CAN enjoy. Then, raise a seltzer with lemon and lime and cheers yourself, because you just enjoyed a Saturday night out on the Whole30.

With Love and Lettuce,




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