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Let’s Talk About Dreams

Last night, I dreamt that I cheated on my Whole30 while sharing an overflowing plate of chocolate croissants with my ex. The dream felt so real and so present that I woke up in a full-blown panic. And then I realized, it’s Day 14. During Week 3 of every Whole30 I’ve ever done, I have undoubtedly begun to spend my nights entrenched in vivid dreams of cheese, and bread, and treats – many of which are not things I would love or crave on a regular day. Each and every time (after waking up in a cold sweat), these dreams serve as a reminder that my relationship with food is both deeply psychological and deeply emotional.

As Melissa shares in the Whole30 Timeline, “This is the part of the program where our minds try to drive us back to the comfort of the foods we used to know. Our food relationships are deeply rooted and strongly reinforced throughout the course of our lives and breaking through them is really big deal.”

This is my fourth Whole30, and what I hope to be the start of my second Whole100, and during each one, I learn a little bit more about myself. This round, I’ve been jotting down my dreams, reflecting on them, and tackling them head on. More than anything, I’ve realized my dreams are a visualization of the panic I carry with me about food choices every single day. When I face these nightmares directly, I’m giving myself the chance to challenge my fears and really put them to sleep. Then, I can put two feet confidently on the ground and start my day.

With Love and Lettuce,




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