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Today is the day most people quit. Here's why you won't.

Today is Day 10. Today is the day most people quit their Whole30. Most people will not be you.

You made a choice. You made a choice to be more healthy. You made a choice to sleep better. You made a choice to feel better at the end of a long day. You made a choice to commit to yourself for 30 days. You made a choice to change your life. Anything but fulfilling that commitment to yourself is failing you and only you.

You deserve these 30 days. You deserve to feel well, to eat well, to be well. You deserve to fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to be your very best.

You’ve prepared. You’ve prioritized. You’ve educated yourself. You’ve built a support network. You’ve pushed through headaches and cravings and dreams so real you actually thought you cheated when you woke up. Now is the time to turn these choices, these purposeful, meaningful choices, into habits.

Over the next 20 days you will begin to feel real, long-lasting changes in the way you feel, in the way you look, and in the way you think about food. As you do, continue to take time to reflect upon and celebrate the choice you’ve made for yourself. To put your health first. To put your wellness first. To put you first.

Today, some people will quit. Today, that will not be you.

With Love and Lettuce,

Rachel and Anna



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